Losing Weight

April 12, 2014

The Real Secret to Weight Loss and Holiness

Weight LossOne of my older brothers, Mike, is a medical doctor who lives in California with his wife and family.  I see Mike about once a year, usually at a family function.  Mike was recently in Peoria with his wife and one of their children for a family wedding.  Mike is 61 years old and he looks like a movie star.  He’s tall, slim, and good-looking.  If you asked me who he looks like, I would say that he looks like a cross between the modern-day actor George Clooney and the legendary actor Omar Sharif.

December 29, 2012

A Time for Progress

Time For ChangeA few years ago in early January, one of my relatives who was in her 60s told me that her New Year’s resolution was to lose thirty pounds.  In February, I asked her how her diet was going, and she told me that she had quit the diet.  When I asked why, she said, “The first week I lost three pounds.  The second week I didn’t lose any weight.  The third week I lost only a pound.  The fourth week I didn’t lose anything.  After that, I gave up.”
